
Explaning Payment Behaviour with Payment States

Payment States

This short article describes the basics of payment behaviour which is required in most of the Payment and FinTech Processes.

There are some instances where there are more actions or states of the payments, while other instances miss few of the below mentioned states or actions or have different nomenclature.

This document thus is a high-level overview of payment states, actions and behavious.

1: Basic Payment Actions

open/init/create: initializes new payment transaction with new status

authorize: authorizes new transaction which becomes authorized

void/cancel: voids or cancels authorized transaction and becomes voided or cancelled

commit/confirm: commits/confirms authorized transaction and becomes committed or confirmed

refund: refunds committed or confirmed transaction. This returns some amount of money from original payment that is being refunded back to the users account. Transaction state becomes refunded


There are basically 4 core steps in the payment behaviour which revolves around these following steps:

1.1: init

1.2: authorize

1.2.1: Some background about authorization

1.3: capture

1.4: refund

2: Basic payment states

new: freshly initialized payment.

authorized: new payment was successfully authorized and money are blocked at users account. This money is automatically freed after some time if transaction is not committed/confirmed

declined: new payment failed to authorize.

voided/cancelled: authorized payment was voided/canceled and money was freed back to users account again.

committed/confirmed: authorized payment was successfully committed/confirmed, money is subtracted from customer’s account

refunded: part or all amount of previous payment was returned back to users account. Only committed/confirmed transaction may be refunded